Park City, UT Chiropractor Specialized Therapies
As an experienced Park City, UT chiropractor, Dr. Shearman offers complete and highly personalized treatment programs and therapies to fit your individual needs. At our Park City chiropractic clinic we also offer:
Cold Laser
Cold Laser and its healing light waves is available for every patient. Cold laser is wonderful for relieving pain and decreasing swelling, and it’s absolutely pain free.
Spinal Decompression
This is the best treatment available for bulging and herniated discs, chronic back pain, sciatica and pain radiating down into the arms and hands. The best thing is that decompression is painless and doesn’t involve the dangers and potential complications of back or neck surgery. There are no side-effects from spinal decompression – it simply helps your body heal damaged discs. In fact, many patients actually fall asleep while on the table getting decompression on their neck or back!
If you’ve been in a workplace accident, taken a painful fall, or if you’ve been in an auto accident and you’re having neck and back pain, then it’s strongly suggested that you get your injuries evaluated promptly.
Unfortunately, people that have suffered from a whiplash injury have a very high predilection for developing spinal arthritis years after their injury. Fortunately, many of these problems can be prevented with speedy and appropriate treatment. (Patients that wait months to have an injury treated after a car accident are usually the people that have the most difficult time recovering fully. They can also run into their insurance company resisting payment of their claims because they didn’t get treatment immediately!)
These are actual MRI’s of a patient who was treated on the Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Table. The left Image was taken BEFORE he began treatment on May 18th, 2007 and the right image was taken Sept. 29th, 2007 AFTER treatment on the Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression.

This patient began his care with pain at a level of 8 to 10 on a 10 scale and severe low back pain he had pain and numbness radiating down his leg to his right foot. He was developing symptoms in his left leg and foot. Large doses of Vicodin still did nothing to stop his pain!
After – Remarkable Results!!
After only 8 weeks of treatment on the Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression table, his pain level was a 2 out of 10 without any pain medication. His post MRI was done showing the remarkable improvement in what had been a severe disc extrusion.
Call Park City Chiropractor, Dr. Shearman today
and find out if spinal decompression
might be the answer you’ve been searching for!
The sooner you take action, the sooner we may be able to help you. Contact Shearman Chiropractic, Inc. and get started today!